Find out more about
Emotional Freedom Techniques

What is EFT?
Also known as Tapping, a key aspect of EFT, involves stimulating known acupressure points to reduce emotional and physical stress. This evidence-based technique, guided by a certified practitioner or self-applied once learned, effectively addresses negative thoughts and sensations. By tapping on these points, calming signals are sent to the brain, helping rewire unproductive patterns and beliefs. Tapping proves to be a safe and gentle method for managing various levels of emotional and physical stress stored in the body.
EFT is also a safe and gentle technique to process trauma when working with a trauma-informed certified EFT practitioner.
Some experts have referred to EFT as part of the “Fourth Wave of Therapy”, because it includes the body into the therapy.
Whereas earlier types of traditional talk therapy are focused solely on the mind and cognitions (for example, CBT: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). Research shows that it is the inclusion of the body in therapy which adds the power and speed which EFT has become known for.
What is EFT Tapping, How Does it Work?
How Does EFT Really Work and For What?
The mechanisms behind EFT include deactivation of the amygdala (stress centre in the brain) and hippocampus (memory centre), as well as recent research into vagal nerve improvement. EFT has also been shown to significantly lower cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. Research on gene expression indicates EFT has the ability to down-regulate genes associated with the stress response and up-regulate or improve immune functioning. Tapping has shown to be helpful for a range of issues by simply focusing on the issue you would like to address with an acceptance statement while tapping.
Effectiveness has been established for:​
Anxiety & stress
Guilt & shame
Physical pain
Fear and Phobias
Weight Loss & cravings
Feeling stuck
Unwanted behaviours you seem not to be able to change
Limiting beliefs and goal settings
EFT / Tapping Research
The 300 + published journal articles show Tapping is consistently successful in positively affecting a range of biochemistry in the body. Examples include improved cortisol, brain activity, and even DNA expression.
The following videos document some of the latest research into the practice of EFT from world-leading researcher Dr. Peta Stapleton.